Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jane Eyre question 8

Jane Eyre is obviously a historical novel. It was written many years ago, and is a good example of “the old times”. It seemed quite accurate as well as interesting. Jane has many different relationships throughout the novel, and each one seems to have different responsibilities. The first one, is the family relationship, which seems to fall short of the understood responsibilities. Jane is very uncared for, and leaves this relationship. It seems to me that women did not have the same responsibilities as men, and that is very understood; the women worked for men. This is an important and dislikable relationship. The times itself had a big role in the authors inspiration while writing, or so I think. They were much more sexist than times are now, and this is cause for a rough life as a female. If these times had been different, Jane’s life would have been different, causing the entire story to be different! Golly gee, that would be a bummer. If things had been different “Jane Eyre” could have been a boring classic just like so many others. Thank goodness it wasn’t.

Brontë, Charlotte, Fritz Eichenberg, and Bruce Rogers. Jane Eyre. New York: Random House, 1943. Print.

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