Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jane Eyre, Still read? (Question 6)

Jane Eyre is a timeless classic. It could draw in any reader, and actually tells a good story. It’s historical, interesting and timeless. These are just a few of the reasons that I believe that this book is still read today. The book not only tells an awesome story while being interesting, but it has a very relatable theme. It is almost inspirational reading about Jane’s life. I find the novel to be extremely timeless because anyone of any time period could relate to Jane’s story. She had such drive and independence (Bronte 75) that anyone could learn a little bit, and that brings us forward. Throughout the entire novel, we could just continue to learn more and more if you choose to. If you are planning on reading Jane Eyre you must go into it with a positive and open mind. If you do this, the learning could be endless. Not only can you learn from the theme, you can also learn from Jane’s actions. She is a wonderful woman who anyone could model certain parts of their lives after. I really enjoyed reading this novel. :D

Brontë, Charlotte, Fritz Eichenberg, and Bruce Rogers. Jane Eyre. New York: Random House, 1943. Print.

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