Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Good Readers and Good Writers" Authority

As a writer, Nabokov has great authority. He is more than qualified to be writing and speaking about the topics he writes about, let alone the essay, "Good Readers and Good Writers". Nabokov has many different works of literature that over qualify him to be writing the essay "Good Readers and Good Writers", as well as the book it came from, Lectures on Literature. Knowing the authority Nabokov has as a writer makes me more than willing to listen to what he is writing about. It also encourages me to and attempt to do the things he writes about in his many works. He has the skills and experience that many people can only begin to dream of having under their belt. These skills , on top of the experience and other works he's done, are what give him the authority to write and explain topics like he did in "Good Readers and Good Writers".
Authority is something everyone dreams of having, luckily, Nabokov knows how to use his in the correct ways. Many people may spend their entire lives searching, and working toward the experience and authority the Nabokov had. It is very impressive to me, and very admirable.

Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, and Fredson Bowers. Lectures on Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. Print.

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