Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Introducing-ing-ing "Good Reader and Good Writers"

Nabokov begins the essay "Good Readers and Good Writers" with an introduction stating other themes or titles for the essay. He also briefly describes his "journey", meaning the things he has learned of in the topic in which he is about to tell us about. He states, "My course, among other things, is a kind of deductive investigation of the mystery of literary structures." (Nabokov 1).This is where he first introduces to us the ideas and topics in which he will be speaking of in the following essay. He then follows by stating that some good subtitles could include, "How to be a Good Reader" or, "Kindness to Authors"(Nabokov 1). These are very good starting points because that is exactly what he is preparing us to be taught about. Nabokov has a very informative method in his writing, and I find it intriguing.
Nabokov begins to characterize the conclusion by summing up the topics he has spoken about. He finally comes to a finish with the statement, "Then with a pleasure which is
both sensual and intellectual we shall watch the artist build his castle of cards and watch the
castle of cards become a castle of beautiful steel and glass."(Nabokov 4) This means that it is now time for us to be able to watch literature transform before our eyes, as well as poetry or other works we may be writing ourselves.

Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, and Fredson Bowers. "Good Readers and Good Wrtiters."Lectures on Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. Print.

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