Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Why Read the Classics" Authority

Calvino seems to have great authority as an author, especially in the essay “Why read the Classics?”. He is able to easily take charge. It is also obvious that he knows what he is talking about in the essay. I know that I have heard his name before, and that is saying something. I have not read too many classics, so being able to say that I have heard of Calvino means something. Throughout the essay, you can tell that Calvino is an educated man by his writing style. He is very smart and knows how to catch a reader’s attention. In my opinion, just knowing how to make people want to read your works, gives you all right you need to continue writing more works of literature. As a writer, there are specific skills you must have to be a good and interesting author, and Calvino seems to have those qualities. He is smart, interesting, and attention grabbing. These qualities give him great authority as a writer. They also make his works interesting, which makes more people want to read his works. With that, we are back to the fact that he had the authority to write whatever he wants. As long as people are reading, keep on writing.

Calvino, Italo. "Why Read the Classics?" Why Read the Classics? New York: Vintage, 2000. Print.

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