Friday, July 29, 2011

Organization, "Why Read the Classics?"

“Why Read the Classics” has an interesting form of organization. The author, Calvino, organizes each topic the same way. He chose to introduce each topic with a definition. After the definition is given, he describes each definition very thoroughly in the following paragraphs. Each definition is different, though they are all about what he considers a “classic” work of literature (Calvino 5). After he gives the definition, the paragraphs he uses to describe the definition are stuffed full of information, details, and facts that have to do with what the definition was. I am a fan of the organization used in “Why Read the Classics”. The way it was organized was a big part of the fact that I enjoyed the essay. The way the essay was organized and written is a good way to catch and keep the writers attention. There are so many ways that an essay or other work of literature could be written, but the way “Why Read the Classics?” was written was perfect for the purpose of the essay. I find the organization similar to “Good Readers and Good Writers” in the sense that each new topic was introduced with a statement. The organization worked well with both essays.

Calvino, Italo. "Why Read the Classics?" Why Read the Classics? New York: Vintage, 2000. Print.

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